“One day, I hope that all of our children are protected, cherished, and loved…
Mrs. Lynn DePellegrini
“One day, I hope the public realizes how important our schools are to our youth…
Mrs. Jennifer Galmoff
“One day, I hope that pre-k becomes universal so we can close the educational gaps early instead of trying to fix them later on in a child's life…
Ms. Sara Podvasnik
“One Day, I hope educators realize why being a public school teacher is so important in fighting systemic injustices…
Mr. Evan Hertrick
“One day, I hope everyone will realize that teachers are preparing the future for all of us…
Mr. Bill Hildenbrand
“One day, I hope teaching truly goes beyond numbers and letters…
Middle School Learning Support Educator
“One day, I hope our primary focus is to produce productive citizens and good human beings…
Dr. Rachel Fischbaugh
“One day, I hope that the pendulum swings the other way and teachers are just left to teach…
High School English Educator
“One day, I hope that our students will realize the impact that they have had on our lives…
Mrs. Brittany Bertonaschi
“One Day, I hope my students remember the magic of making music together…
Mrs. Sarah Lavelle
“One day, I hope teachers get to be change agents, mentors, moms, dads, counselors, and everything in between…
Kindergarten Educator
“One Day, I would love for language learning to move up the priority list in education…
Ms. Elana Kriess